Thursday, December 30, 2010

MegaMonthofCountdowns WRAP-UP - My top 10 wishes for YOU in the new year

Happy New Year!

Do we remember last year when I made my non-resolutions? Things of little consequence like "eat more steak" or "have a really good kiss" or "listen to better music" or "wear pretty panties" and things like that? Yeah - that was a success. As in, I think I tackled all of them. And -- YES -- that smug sense of self-satisfaction is alive and well.

This year, let's mix it up.

Whoever you are, wherever you're reading from, however often you stop by and whatever brings you in this blog's general direction: I have some New Year's wishes for you. Let's wrap up my 2010 countdowns in earnest. With hope. In anticipation of a beautiful new year filled with opportunities for happiness, joy, peace, fulfillment, CHAMPAGNE and all of the love you can wrap your heart around.

#10 - Love people.
Want to have an amazing new year? Want to see the world (and your life) improve dramatically? Get selfless. This year love others more, without any regard for what's in it for you. Pour yourself out for people who expect it the least. Love where you're likely to get nothing in return. Get altruistic. Find someone less fortunate and do something amazing in their lives. Give a gift. Give your time. Give your energy. Get outside of yourself. Love others first.

#9 - Go for it. 
Whatever "it" is for you. You deserve bliss. Contentment. Satisfaction. And the means to seize it are within your grasp. New job? Go for it. Love? Go for it. Fit into those old jeans? Go for it. We're on this earth for a tiny, finite number of years and I'll be damned if I believe we're supposed to suffer through those years without making a play for the best we can possibly snag for ourselves and the people we love. You deserve it this year, every year, for the rest of your life. Your "it" will be different from my "it" and and "it" may change from year to year, but every day brings the opportunity to choose to make "it" happen for ourselves. Choose to go for it.

#8 - Believe you're worth it.
Guess what: you're beautiful. Unique. Amazing. Brilliant. Talented. Unlike anyone else on this planet, capable of things no one else is capable of, put here on this earth, in this country, with this family for such a time as THIS. You're the only you. And YOU, just as you are at this moment, are worth being loved and cherished and valued. Be proud of yourself. Be proud to be YOU, and no one else. You've earned it. You've accomplished it. You've created it. You deserve it. Glory in the small things that make you DIFFERENT from everyone else on this globe. Relish the things that set you apart. It's never the end of the road, there are always more choices, every day is brand new and YOU (yes, you!) are just the way you are for a very specific reason. You're WORTH love and blessings and joy and a rich, incredible life. Believe it.

#7 - Laugh every day
Laugh at yourself, laugh at someone else, laugh because it WILL make you feel better - doesn't matter to me how you get your giggles, just do it. Daily. Make this the year that you find an honest-to-goodness reason to laugh every single day.

#6 - Buy good jeans.
So, about that rich, incredible life full of joy that I was talking about? Yeah, make a good pair of jeans part of that. There's something to be said for the self-image boost and extra infusion of feel-good you can get from sliding into a pair of Really Great Jeans. Find a pair that makes your backside look picture perfect and make your legs feel great and wear the hell out of those things. You deserve it, remember? And those "What Not To Wear" people would be so proud of you. Think it's vain and petty? That just means you need their benefit that much more. Because the second you strut out of the house in something that makes you feel good enough about yourself you absolutely KNOW everyone is checking you out, you won't think it's petty any more. Just worth the investment.

#5 - Eat more steak.
It's self-indulgent and hardly heart-healthy. But then when you're staring at that menu and thinking "uh, I guess a salad would help me fit in those jeans I just splurged on a little more easily," you can override that boringly practical inclination with "But I resolved to eat more steak. Guess I gotta stick to my resolutions." And then order it very, very rare. Because Heather told you to (and she's going to try to work steak into every resolution for the rest of eternity. So there).

#4 - Forgive.
Whatever happened, happened. We can't go back and re-do it, we can't undo it, we can only move forward, learn from it, overcome it, and live each day that much smarter because of it. Don't waste time looking back at things you wish you could change. Don't ruin today by carrying yesterdays along on your back. Don't miss a wonderful opportunity because you're looking over your shoulder. Don't beat yourself up over things that can't be taken back. Just forgive. Forgive them. Forgive yourself. Allow yourself the freedom to walk away with your head up, with the wind at your back, with a smile on your face and with the wisdom that comes from having lived through it. Apologize. Accept an apology. Find warmth in grace and mercy. Move on. Leave last year in the dust. Make plans for tomorrow. ENJOY TODAY.

#3 - Live every day like it's Thanksgiving.
You're blessed. Truly. You're living. Breathing. Loved.  There are sunsets to watch. There's wine to drink. There are kisses to share. Hugs to give. Races to run. Beaches to comb. Alarm clocks to snooze. Sunrises to catch. Wind that's yet to blow through your hair. Songs that have yet to get stuck in your head. Good days you haven't even dreamed would land in your lap. Don't live like it's your last day on earth - live like you've been alive, you're going to be alive, you're lucky to be alive and the little things -- like a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning, a good talk with a friend, a smile from that good-looking stranger -- they're all right in front of us all day. Stop, enjoy the blue skies, the thunderstorms, the matching bra and panty set no one knows  you're wearing, the promotion you earned, the vacation you're able to take, the little blessings that make life beautiful. This year, Give Thanks.

#2 - Trim your split ends*
*Otherwise, your hair will look like mine.

#1 - Pray.
And I'll pray for you, too. I may not have met you. I may never meet you. I may not know the first thing about you. But I know and I believe from the tops of my split-ended hair to the bottoms of my badly-in-need-of-a-pedicure toes that there is a God. And my God loves me. And loves You. And would delight in nothing more than the opportunity to know you, protect you, nurture you, spare you, bless you, cry with you, comfort you, strengthen you, and surprise you. Hey, give Him a chance. Chat with Him this year. You'll be surprised how He'll chat right back.

Happy New Year, You!

Here's to the best year we've ever had. For every single one of us.


Now go pop that bubbly.

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