Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Christina's CD drops today - so let's talk about the new Gaga video instead...

I do love a good Evita-with-Automatic-Weapon-Bra-Masquerading-As-A-Sexy-Leather-Clad-Nun fantasy sequence. Especially if it involves staging what seems to be an eleborate funeral procession followed by a good dose of writhing around on a bed with men in latex speedos and swallowing rosary beads. Simply can't be beat. And it doesn't hurt if we have a cute military policeman make an appearance at the end.

I particularly enjoy it if the entire sequence reeks of old Madonna videos and involves a dramatic narrative sequence at the beginning that -- ultimately -- feels like it has nothing to do with the rest of the song and dance routine but definitely allows dancing men to cavort rather robotically around a, um, football stadium...(gladiator arena.....??? airport runway....??? the surface of the moon....???) holding metal crates, before being sort of glamorously taken advantage of by a dancing woman in flesh-colored undies.

So, given all that, stands to reason I'd love the newest Gaga video since it involves all of the above.

And I did.

It was a fun spectacle. And that's even given the fact that the song itself, "Alejandro," was my least favorite on the entire CD. So, if you can take a song I usually skip and give it a fun, very monochromatic, machine-gun-breasted video so fun I watch it a few times in a row and don't even realize I'm listening to a song I don't much care for: well done.

I have no idea what story she's trying to tell (or why there's a sort of bedazzled heart being carried on a gilded pillow ahead of the funeral procession, for that matter), but I do know this woman is in incredible shape. Feminine, fit, fun to watch dance around in the little "zero support" bra & panty (and I hate the word "panty") combo.

It's sort of standard Gaga fare (and actually, in its color palate, startlingly familiar to Christina's "Not Myself Tonight" video...hmmmm) - visually striking, strangely philosophical, obviously intended to be decently inflammatory, and delightfully sexually charged. But it's what she does best.


On deck for tomorrow: my review of Christina's "Bionic." Been looking forward to it for a few years, so it's about time!

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