Monday, May 7, 2007

Dear Heatheradair

Dear Heatheradair,

I know you think your life, like, totally blows right now - like, you have no cash and your job is totally leaving your nails chipped...but, like, compared to my life right now, yours is hot.

First of all, I totally don't have time to read all of the fan mail I get every I hired somebody to flippin read it for me because when I have like, nineteen new clubs to check this week it's hard to keep up with all that sh*t. But I guess sometimes, like, important stuff gets mixed in with all of that fan mail, and I'm supposed to like, PERSONALLY look at it or something? So I guess I got like, my license suspended but didn't know it cuz I didn't read my mail. Not hot.

And then I got pulled over for driving with my headlights off or whatever and I find out I totally wasn't supposed to be driving AT. ALL. But of course the guy I hired to KNOW stuff like this told me I could drive if it was for, like, important stuff like shopping or going out or whatever.

ANYWAYZ, they made me go to court. SO I put together THE. HOTTEST. OUTFIT. I totally looked like a lawyer, and I pretended I was, like, on Law and Order and looked all serious, but they used all these big legal-type words about probation and previous offenses and then the old judge guy told me I have to go jail. For 45 days!


Not like, rehab or someplace cool like that with tons of hot guys and other famous people. I can't even go shopping in jail! Meanwhile Nicole will be, like, everywhere totally stealing my photo-ops.

So you might think your life is totally lame right now because you've got a bunch of homework and your house is really messy and your bank account is totally drained, but at least you can still go buy shoes on your lunch break or whatever. I mean, I don't even have a publicist right now!


Friday, May 4, 2007

my annual post berating local radio Cinco De Mayo hype

(a moment of reverent appreciation for my local NPR station that completely avoids any mention of places where listeners can "get their party on" for Cinco De Mayo)

One bright spot: a local bar & grill is sponsoring "Sinkhole De Mayo" to celebrate the water main break that caused a road to open up and swallow two cars down the road this week. I can appreciate that sort of thing.

SO, I usually gripe about the fact that local radio stations live and breathe for any opportunity to make normal people feel like they should be partying. I think radio stations would host Presidents Day pub crawls if they could get a local car dealership to sponsor it and their "dj with sex appeal" felt like working the Presidents Day crowd (mostly bank and school district employees, I suppose) to give away bumper stickers and gift certificates to Sears. BUT - I think I've gone almost an entire year without listening to any FM radio, so my normal gripe is without much steam.

What I can gripe about, however: the fact that the opening day of boating season happens to fall on Cinco De Mayo. See, I live on a lake. In a neighborhood FULL of rich "boat people." My sister could offer a more succinct definition of boat people, but they're basically those wealthy Saab-driving types that don't so much spend time on their boats as they do congregating at happy hours with other Land-Rover-driving, boat-owning types to look self-important and under-tip the cocktail waitresses for all those rounds of salty dogs.

But one day of the year Boat People all get together out on the lake (a few feet from my living room window), drag their cabin cruisers out of dry dock and throw a 3-day long party, probably sponsored by Red Hook, celebrating their boat-owning superiority. They get a great kick out of lining up along the log boom for the big Opening Day parade and honking their big boat horns at one another allllll daaaaaay loooonnnggg. For three days.

This year, they've got the added gusto of a minor radio-station-friendly holiday to add to the generally self-important, traffic-clogging, washed-up-frat-brother nature of the entire shindig. SO, for the next two nights while their women hop from one boat to another swapping bottles of cab sauv and talking private school, I'll be listening to their honking boat horns, their laughing husbands, their drunk nephews and their step-children while trying to sleep...

Happy 5th.

Love those boat people.

aha! my genius theory on socialization and famous brats...

They feud, they booze, they boyfriend-swap, they drink and drive, they're lonely, they're addicted, they're moody, alcoholic, rich, famous, misunderstood and overexposed; they're EVERYWHERE. They're business people, they're spokespeople; they've built empires, they've negotiated contracts, they buy, they sell, they design...and here's another common thread:

They missed out on most parts of growing up. They weren't properly socialized.

Remember those days in junior high when - suddenly - the friends you used to sit with at lunch didn't want you to sit with them anymore (er...was that just me? couldn't have been just me...)? And the girls you used to pass notes to began passing notes ABOUT you behind your back? What about the boy a few years older that didn't know you even existed...or the one that sat behind you in math class that you wish didn't know you existed? What about that time in social studies class when you realized that cute no-good rich kid you had a crush on had NO desire to call YOU, but instead asked for your number so that he could grill you for information about your "prettier friend" that sat across the room.

Those things didn't kill you . They made you tough - gave you tools to prepare for the next barrage of social injustice - thickened your skin and showed you, years down the road, that you WERE strong, and capable, and that people weren't always nice but sometimes, years later, they'd apologize out of the blue? You weren't the shrinking violet you felt like when you were 14 or the awkward shy girl everyone took you for when you were 17, or the only girl without a fake tan at prom (or a date for that matter, but you went anyway with a life-sized cardboard cutout of a Star Trek character and discovered that being ballsy pays off every now and then because people took more pictures of you in your $19 last-minute faux-prom-dress than of any other girl in the room).

You cried about those times, scribbled over people's faces in your yearbook, spent lunch hours by yourself in the library for a few weeks, whined to your mom about the unfairness of life, whined to your sister about how "growing up blows" (at the ripe age of 16), whined to NEW friends about wrongs done by OLD met new people, learned to let things roll off your back, learned when to keep your distance and when to reach out, learned how to bounce back from hard hits (like that drama teacher that insulted your stylistic genius or the student government adviser that called you inept or the math teacher that kept trying to give you D's), developed inalienable personality that you wouldn't have had if you'd skipped those years...

It's THOSE moments - those "OH MY GOSH HE LIKES ME BACK!!!!!!!!" moments that the rich and famous brats missed out on. The NORMAL moments. The kid moments. The teenage moments.

They were thrown into a grown-ups world without the tools, skills, or social experiences to back themselves up. Sure, they could film a great movie and call screen icons their contemporaries, or be photographed to high heaven with all the best - they had paid entourages, they made sales pitches, they have financial advisers and trust funds and probably understood "liquidity" before they understood "tampon," and were expected to play in the big leagues before they ever learned how to survive a break-up with a little dignity, or how to have an argument with a friend and NOT throw a drink in their face and profess to a tabloid that you'll never speak to her again.

They skipped the trials by fire that shape adults and prepare kids for life as an upstanding members of society - they learn about big business, their own marketability, net worth and royalties, but do they learn how to make friends? How to apologize? How to "say NO to drugs," or how to fight through the lonely?

nevermind that this came to me while I was washing my hair in the sink the other day at, oh, 5am...I think it's valid...we wonder why the starlets can't stay on the wagon or why they bed-hop or why they don't eat or why they shave their heads, but without the life skills, without socialization, without learning to build healthy friendships in a world that sees you as a dollar sign, or a dollar sign's pretty daughter, or your own parents' meal ticket, how else are they supposed to turn out??? What happens when child stars grow up....without really growing up???

When they're surrounded by people who only have their best interest in mind as long as they're on the payroll, how else can we expect them to turn out?

Hmmm - thoughts to ponder while feeding my dlisted and egotastic addictions...viable theory, I think...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

a sigh of blog-ish sadness...

It's stuck in my head at the moment, that Jack Johnson tune about the good people. Where'd they go, the good people? Reminiscing about a time a year ago when my list of blog buddies was miles long, the daily reading more than I could keep up with, the comment threads spirited, lively...

Then the summer came and went, and something happened...

Weddings, masters degrees, civil discontent, falling in love...whatever. "My" bloggers dropped like flies. The blogscape (I prefer that to "blogospere") became a little more bleak...a little more lonely. Where'd T go? Come back, Paige. Banana, I miss you...

Mere's stuck with it. I dig Mere. Her page is pink. I dig pink. She manages amazing poignancy in the middle of day-to-day anecdotes about her life...I like reading about other people's daily grind, getting caught off guard by something disarmingly touching and realizing we're all pretty similar, really...

At any rate, since I'm feeling generally repressed and uninspired by the back-breaking combination of a heavy work load, nearly full-time school, tight-as-they've-ever-been finances (ever-expanding hips) and TERRIBLY FEBRUARY-LIKE WEATHER IN MAY, I've decided to recommit myself to The Joy of the Blog. A creative outlet in my otherwise drone-like working-stiff existence in RainCity these days.

And I shall rediscover new and wonderful blogs and be inspired by people that, today, I don't even know exist.

Just know, long-lost blog-buddies, I miss you!

Since when did an attempt to lose weight include philly steaks and cheese fries?

I seem to be doing everything just right in my annual springtime attempt to ditch 8 lbs. Burgers: check. Takeout chinese: check. Margaritas, homemade cookies, potato chips, pancakes, bacon, Starbucks, fried mushrooms - I mean, I don't even LIKE most of those things most of the year, but all of a sudden, since deciding summer (and swimsuit season) was slightly too imminent given the circumference of my hips: I'm eating like a bachelor with an 8 year-old's metabolism.

Since when did I get cravings for mushroom cheese steaks? And did I just hear my own voice saying, "Mmmm, cheese fries!!!"

The jeans are hard to button these days as it is, why am I making 10pm s'mores over the stove burners and acting like provolone (by the handful) is a guilt-free snack? This is getting ridiculous. As it is, my fantastic springtime clothes are laying in heaps around the bedroom smirking at me - "So you think you wanna wear ME today? Mwuahahahaha - how'd those nachos taste last night, hmmm?"

Fine, fine, I've relegated myself to another few weeks of ill-fitting jeans and hide-it-all black v-necks...

I've stocked up on tuna, salmon, bell peppers, cucumbers, snap peas, broccoli and flavored waters, so why am I still rummaging through the fridge for that last tablespoon of peanut butter, or "cleaning the cupboards" to find the stale tortilla chips?

It must stop. As of today I begin - in earnest - Heather's Summertime Swimsuit Slim-Down. 8 lbs doesn't seem like such an insurmountable hurdle...a pound or so a week and the weather around these parts should just be getting nice about the time I'm stepping on the scale feeling something other than trepidation.

I just have to guard myself against the Sour Patch Kids.

Cheese fries??? I don't even LIKE cheese fries. Sheesh.